The relationship between the possible intent of the creator and your own interpretation of its meaning? Kuki Shinobu is a four-star Electro character introduced in the second half of Genshin Impact's 2.7 update, alongside the Arataki Itto rerun. How your values have shaped and are shaped by your expression and that of others? d. Your personal assumptions about artifacts of this sort and why they exist? c. The relationship between human culture and expression? b. What more do you want to know regarding: a. At that early date, we could not yet imagine the impact of ride-sharing services. Pose questions you have after thinking deeply about this artifact. The chief opposition he deploys is the one between medium and content. How might the artifact and the person who created it have impacted each other? For instance, how might the geographic location where the artifact was made, the materials used to create the artifact, the medium of the creative process, or the environment where the artifact is displayed influence the creator’s life or future creative work? How might the artifact and the culture or context in which it was created have impacted each other? For instance, does the artifact add to the understanding of the culture from which it was created? What contributions does it make to continuing on a dialogue about that culture and the importance of its artifacts? Use the artifact to discuss how acts of creative expression impact and are impacted by the people and situations that surround it. The FDG used for PET studies is injected intravenously into patients. In other words, how do the artifact and its culture interrelate? For instance, how would a particular form of body modification reflect the urban culture in which you encountered it?

Khan (2012) explore the impact of social networking websites on students. messages in the media artifact and discussed the impact that bias has on these messages and Final Project Milestone Three (slide 9) in which youcreated a graphic that showed the process and the roles that you, and others, have in the consumption and production of media. It only means that when a student gets too involve with the use of Social Media it effects his performance in class activities and overall academic performance. This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 8 pages. Social Media and Academic Performance has effect to each other. Be sure to address what aspects of culture have relevance for this artifact: politics, history, religion, social perceptions, technology, media, education, and so on. tion or relationship between the variables.

Discuss how the artifact reflects the culture (or context) in which it exists.